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    Michael Harrison PRBA

    About the artist 

    Michael Harrison attended Academie Julienne, the post impressionist studio in Paris 1960’s. However, pursuing a career as an artist in those days was not considered a viable option. He continued to paint on family holidays at home and abroad particularly in Greece and France. However, it was not until recent years that he returned to painting with the single-mindedness required to progress A individual style slowly evolved, consequently his paintings became noticed, galleries began to accept his work and solo exhibitions across the country followed.

    He has exhibited both solely and collaboratively over many years. In 2021, he was elected a member of Royal Society of British Artists and now serves as the President of the Royal Society of British Artists. 

    His works are wide ranging and diverse, in both choice of subject and location; the intimate small landscape studies are all completed plein air.

    Artist statement 

    The hallmark of Michael Harrison’s work is the small intimate landscape studies completed en plein air. These studies continue to be his preferred modus and have evolved into a distinctive style which pervades his work and communicates both vibrancy and a sense of immediacy. 

    Michael has always felt that small paintings, particularly if they are made from direct observation and response to the subject, are often more telling and emotive in their impact than large studio works that are resolved in every detail. He works from a limited colour palette, and aims for results that are well-keyed and exploit a good tonal range. In turn,  enhancing the sense of mood in his paintings and results in a sense of immediacy and directness.

    Although small-scale, his paintings seek to capture and convey the space between the seeing and the subject, and in turn heighten the viewer’s engagement and sense of imagination.


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